First, use Tool #3 from the Resource Page called, “If You Like That, Maybe You’d Like This.” Still need help? ….THEN …. Second, …. maybe one of the following lists could help you.
Previously Recommended/Nominated Books: These are recommended books that got left behind following one of our annual book selection projects. If they were not voted in, why would I be interested? They are all really good, but we could only choose 12! Someone in the group recommended each one! Also, some are excellent but had very few copies in the MVLC system – often because “Book #1” in a series was many years ago (this won’t matter for you since you only need one copy!). Some were special niche genres which are beloved by some and of little interest to others. Someone in our group liked it, so you might too! Click here for a PDF of these (Updated to include books on the ballot in 2023 that were not chosen for the group’s annual reading.)
All the Crime Fiction Classics: List of all the cornerstone books in crime fiction history – from 1748 to 1948. A careful listing, a definitive library of detective, crime, and mystery fiction. HERE. [This will take you to a different website.]
All of the Award Winning Books as chosen by at least eleven crime fiction organizations on 3 continents. HERE [This will take you to a different website.]
Holiday Mysteries: A mystery that takes place during Christmas. A thriller on July 4th. A cozy for Thanksgiving. A thriller for Easter. See Janet Rudolph’s famous and comprehensive list of all holiday crime fiction! [This will take you to a different website.]
Find books by Authors of Color: Crime Writers of Color was started by Kellye Garrett, Walter Mosley and Gigi Pandian, has more than 300 member writers whose work runs the gamut from culinary cozies to the deepest, darkest noir. HERE. [This will take you to a different website.]
Find books by LGBTQ+ Authors HERE. This begins with a list I have put together on this website.
Find Books by Native American Authors that write mystery or other crime fiction books. Includes a 5 page article fromMystery Scene magazine on this topic.
A list of Dick Goutal’s favorite authors (a bit old but mostly true).