“Crime fiction“ includes all sub-genres of mysteries and thrillers and any blend thereof. (FYI: One list of 21 crime fiction sub genres.)
“Fun“ includes reviews, information, suggestions, and your comments about crime fiction, such as:
- crime fiction books the club is not reading,
- crime fiction movies, TV shows, and theatrical performances,
- crime fiction tours, field trips, conferences you hear about or better – have attended,
- crime fiction sites (author homes, museums, etc) you have visited,
- crime fiction games,
- online interviews, classes about crime fiction
- crime fiction news (about authors, actors, and other crime fiction celebrities),
- crime fiction cartoons and jokes,
- crime fiction insights, opinions, analysis.
- virtually anything that’s interesting in crime fiction to at least some of our MBC participants!
CHECK IN! See if there is something new that you might enjoy.
If this is your first visit to “Fun Topics,” scroll down through some of the existing posts to see things that match up to the bullet points above.
If you think of it, check back to this tab regularly. See what is newly posted.
BUT, if you think you’ll forget to check for new material, then… sign up to “follow” these fun posts using the yellow box with the subscribe button at right. You can unsubscribe anytime, of course. What you will get is an automated email with a brief blurb and link back to this spot, the day after it is posted. That way, you won’t miss anything! (There is some advertising at the bottom of the email. Sorry, but that is how the service is paid for. Ignore it.)
PARTICIPATE! Your involvement will be fun for you and others.
Tell us what you think of a post the interests you. Use the “Leave a Reply” box at the bottom of all these posts to add your thoughts, additional information, comments. Also feel free to read others’ comments and comment on their comments!
Send me mystery-related news you find that should be passed along to the group! Yes, for this to be really successful, we need YOU to share what you are discovering in the way of new books, movies, mystery news items etc etc (see bullets above). HOW? (1) Write it up as an article and email it to me. OR, (2) just send me a link or clipping of something juicy, and I’ll take it from there. My contact information is in all of the regular MBC meeting notices sent to you. What do you want to suggest, recommend, or just share with us? Let me know!
Now – let’s have fun together! Fun is optional. But I prefer it, don’t you?